Tales of Ithaco:

Meet Chris MacDoumyn and discover Ithaco.


Ithaco City is booming, flourishing under the influence of the fledgling potanium revolution. But in the shadows, something nefarious is stirring, and neither the powerful MacDoumyn family, the vigilant Sentinels, or even the illustrious Marked Listeners, have any idea why someone is setting fire to abandoned buildings strewn across the city.

Christina MacDoumyn doesn’t care really about any of this. Her life has been defined by profound losses, and she’s having trouble dealing with the latest, the death of her fiancé, Jack.

Fleeing into her work as the infamous master thief Double-lock offers her the distraction she so desperately needs, but current events are about to catch up with her.

When Chris unexpectedly discovers a new lead in the murder of her fiancé, it turns out that his death may be related to the mysterious arsons plaguing the city. As she stubbornly tries to fight a dangerous opponent without the help of her family and friends, she begins to realize that she may well be her own worst enemy.

The Tales of Ithaco series contains the stories of the five MacDoumyn siblings who stand as the leaders-in-waiting of the constantly evolving city. They each have an important role to play as they find their place in a world that is about to shift dramatically.

Double-lock, the first book in the Tales of Ithaco series, is a fast-paced adventure filled with mystery, intrigue, and unexpected romance.

“Why would anyone do this?”

“Some maniacs just like to see things burn.”

Although Cyrius intellectually knew he was right, on a moral level he still found it impossible to accept that things apparently also included people.

“The last time I saw you, you were so intoxicated you could barely walk. And now you expect me to believe that you’re the infamous Double-lock?”

She raised an eyebrow at him.

“Another way of looking at that is that the last time you saw me I was so drunk I could hardly walk and I still managed to give you the slip. I don’t see how that hurts my claim.”

 - Chris & Cyrius


“The invention was extraordinary. A prototype of a flux imager.”

“What?! The Marked Listeners have their hands in flux imaging?”

“The Marked Listeners have their hands in everything." 

- Chris & Roderick

Curious to find out if you'll enjoy reading Double-lock?

Why not try the story of how Chris became a master thief:

Copyright © Feia B. Clowder