
Ithaco is a wonderful place, full of fascinating characters and intriguing organizations.

Should you find yourself lost, or thirsty for more, a lot of information can be found here. 

Christina MacDoumyn

Christina MacDoumyn usually goes by Chris, or Chrissy for close family, and is the eldest daughter of the Don of Ithaco by adoption. She also leads a double life as one of Ithaco's most infamous master thieves, Double-lock. Christina is elegant, clever, and almost unbelievably dextrous. She chafes at responsibility and lives to challenge her own abilities.

Christina's mother, Cassandra, was one of the Don's closest friends, and sister to his wife Karina. When Christina was only five years old, her mother was brutally murdered, and Karina and Sean immediately took her in as one of their own.

According to Ithaco's rules of succession she is third in line to inherit the title of Don, after older brother Max, and younger sister Alexis. (Based on the moment she was officially added to the MacDoumyn family)

Alexis MacDoumyn

Alexis MacDoumyn, or Alex, is the eldest biological daughter of the Don of Ithaco. She is an initiate of the clergy, and as such, mostly exempt from life at the Don's court. Alexis is passionate and fierce, and extremely agile.

Alexis contracted a severe form of malignant growth when she was twelve years old, and nearly died of the disease. The treatment was brutal, and resulted in the loss of her beautiful blond curls, and the emaciation of her young body. But Alexis was lucky, and strong, and she pulled through. When her hair grew back it was no longer blond, but dark brown, and had lost much of its curl. When Alexis demanded a wig to hide the change, her father indulged her.

Although at first the choice to wear a wig in public may seem an act of vanity, Alexis cares little for physical beauty. She merely recognized an opportunity to move in relative anonymity with her new appearance.

Her close brush with death awakened her spiritual side, and she became an initiate not long after her recovery.

She also went right back to her weapons training to recover her body, and, much like her adopted sister, eventually took up a shady alias and became Switchblade.

According to Ithaco's rules of succession she is second in line to inherit the title of Don, after older brother Max. However, depending on the deity she pledges her life to she may have to relinquish her priesthood if she takes the title.

Finn O'Connor

Finn O’Connor grew up with the MacDoumyn children and has become very close friends with them, particularly Max and Chris. As the son of a servant in their parents' employ, he is acutely aware of the MacDoumyns' elevated station compared to his own, even if they choose to ignore it. Finn is loyal, polite, and unfailingly contained by nature; a man of few words, who prefers to let his actions speak for him.

At court, Finn is known as the MacDoumyns’ reclusive and inexplicably intimidating dance instructor, only appearing among society as Chris’ partner for the Steps of Fire every year. He is a gifted musician and dancer, but no one outside the family has any idea what he fills the rest of his time with. 

Finn has received extensive weapons training alongside the MacDoumyns and been involved with the Marked Listeners from a young age. Chris enjoyed teaching him to be sneaky, and as Shade, Finn uses his hard-earned skills to make the Marked Listeners' problems go away.

Among the lowlifes of Ithaco Shade has a well-earned reputation for efficiency and complete ruthlessness. He is the Marked Listeners’ most prolific Quiet, and when he is not out on assignment, he helps the Master Hand run the Tavern, the group’s base of operations.

Cyrius Kelly

Cyrius Kelly was orphaned young, and raised in one of the MacDoumyn orphanages in Ithaco. He joined the Sentinels when he came of age, and excels at many sword-fighting techniques, especially the ones that focus of protection. Cyrius is honorable and honest and believes in justice.

Cyrius became one of the MacDoumyns' personal guards, assigned to the protection of their youngest, Sage. After suffering a terrible injury in the process of saving Sage's life, Cyrius became an investigator.

Although he is very good at his job, Cyrius is beginning to realise that associating with Double-lock in order to solve the Marvelwood Arson case may have unforeseen consequences for his career as a Sentinel.


Roderick Blacklyre

Roderick was raised as the sole heir of one of the largest noble houses in the Lychin Kingdom. Smothered under the pressure of an overbearing mother, whose influence could not be mitigated by an ailing father, Roderick ran away from home when he was fifteen, and hasn't looked back.

Roderick is an autodidact decrypter, and has used his skills to remain undetected for years. As with any person who works outside the law, it was only a matter of time until the Marked Listeners came into the picture.

Copyright © Feia B. Clowder